The ASK Model - What is the Success Triangle?

The ASK Model: Meaning, Composition, and Application

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Model ASK The Success Triangle emphasizes that success is a holistic concept that requires a balance of all three factors. By developing a positive attitude, acquiring new skills, and constantly learning, individuals can achieve success in their personal and professional lives. Below article, Johnson's Blog will share with readers about the ASK model and its benefits.

What is the ASK (Success Triangle) Model?

The Success Triangle is a model for achieving success in various aspects of life, including personal, professional, and social. The triangle is made up of three main elements:

Attitude: A positive attitude is essential to success. It involves having a strong belief in yourself and the ability to persevere through challenges.

Skills: Developing relevant skills is critical to achieving success. This involves learning new things and continuously improving yourself.

Knowledge: Knowledge is the foundation of success. It includes both formal education and practical knowledge gained through experience.

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Components of the ASK Model

The Success Triangle is made up of three main components:

  • Attitude: A positive attitude is an important component of the Success Triangle. This involves having a do-it-yourself mindset, optimism, confidence and a willingness to learn and grow. A positive attitude can help individuals overcome challenges, stay motivated, and achieve their goals.
  • Skill: Developing relevant skills is another important component of the Success Triangle. This involves learning and acquiring practical skills and expertise in a particular field or field. Skills development may include formal education, training programs or seeking opportunities to gain practical experience.
  • Knowledge: The third component of the Success Triangle is knowledge, which involves acquiring a solid knowledge base in a particular field or domain. Acquiring knowledge can include formal education, reading books and articles, attending seminars or workshops, and seeking mentors or experts in the field.

The Success Triangle emphasizes the importance of a balanced approach to achieving success, in which individuals focus on developing a positive attitude, gaining relevant skills, and gaining real knowledge. economy to achieve their goals in all aspects of life.


Attitude refers to a person's overall thoughts or views towards life, which can be positive or negative. In the context of the Success Triangle, a positive attitude is a key ingredient to achieving success. A positive attitude involves having a do-it-yourself mindset, optimism, confidence and a willingness to learn and grow.

Developing a positive attitude can have many benefits, including:

  • Increase motivation: A positive attitude can help individuals stay motivated and persevere through challenging situations.
  • Improve self-confidence: By believing in themselves and maintaining a positive outlook, individuals can improve their confidence and self-esteem.
  • Better relationships: A positive attitude can help individuals communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships with others.
  • Enhances resilience: A positive attitude can help individuals deal with stress and adversity, making them more resilient in the face of challenges.

To develop a positive attitude, individuals can engage in self-reflection, practicing gratitude, cultivating a growth mindset, and seeking positive influences. By maintaining a positive attitude, individuals can improve their chances of achieving success in all aspects of life.


Skill refers to an individual's ability to perform specific tasks or activities with competence and proficiency. In the context of the Success Triangle, developing relevant skills is a key component to achieving success. This involves learning and acquiring practical skills and expertise in a particular field or field.

Skills development can have many benefits, including:

  • Increase your chances of being hired: Having relevant skills can make individuals more attractive to employers, increasing their chances of finding a job.
  • Improve work performance: Developing relevant skills can help individuals perform better in their current jobs, leading to improved job performance and better potential promotion opportunities.
  • Enhance creativity and innovation: Develop skills that can foster creativity and innovation, allowing individuals to come up with new and innovative ideas and solutions.
  • Increase confidence: By developing skills and expertise in a particular area, individuals can improve their confidence and sense of mastery.

To develop skills, individuals can participate in formal education and training programs or seek opportunities to gain practical experience. This may include internships, apprenticeships, or volunteering. By continuously improving their skills, individuals can increase their chances of achieving success in their chosen field.


Knowledge refers to a broad understanding of facts, information, concepts, and ideas in a particular field or field. In the context of the Success Triangle, acquiring relevant knowledge is a key component to achieving success. This involves acquiring a solid knowledge base in a particular field or field.

Gaining knowledge can have many benefits, including:

  • Improve decision making: Gathering relevant knowledge can help individuals make more informed and effective decisions.
  • Increase creativity: Knowledge can inspire creativity by providing individuals with a broader vision and understanding of a particular field or field.
  • Improved problem-solving ability: Acquiring knowledge can help individuals develop critical thinking skills, allowing them to analyze problems and find solutions.
  • Improve communication: Acquiring knowledge can help individuals communicate more effectively with others in their field or field.

Individuals can participate in formal education, read books and articles, attend seminars or workshops, and seek mentors or experts in their field. By continually expanding their knowledge and understanding of a particular field or field, individuals can increase their chances of achieving success.

Benefits of the ASK Model

The benefits of the ASK Model are many. Here are some of the most significant benefits:

  • Comprehensive approach: The ASK Triangle offers a holistic approach to achieving success. By emphasizing the importance of attitudes, skills, and knowledge, the model encourages individuals to focus on all three in order to achieve their goals.
  • Improve yourselfThe Success Triangle emphasizes continuous self-improvement through learning and acquiring new skills. This can lead to personal growth and a sense of fulfillment.
  • Increase confidence: Positive attitude is an important component of the QUESTION Triangle. By developing a positive mindset, individuals can increase their confidence and belief in their abilities.
  • Career advancement: Developing relevant skills and knowledge is essential for career advancement. The QUESTION Triangle can help individuals identify the skills and knowledge they need to advance in their careers.
  • Better relationship: A positive attitude and personal growth can lead to better relationships with others. By becoming more confident and skilled, individuals can communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships with colleagues, friends and family members.

The Success Triangle provides a framework for individuals to achieve success in all aspects of life. By focusing on attitudes, skills, and knowledge, individuals can achieve their goals, develop a sense of purpose, and experience personal fulfillment.

Limitations of the Success Triangle

While the Success Triangle provides a useful framework for achieving success, there are some limitations to consider:

  • Too much focus on individual effort: The ASK triangle places a significant emphasis on individual effort, which may ignore the role that external factors, such as social and economic factors, may play in achievement success.
  • Lack of specificity: The Success Triangle provides a general framework for achieving success, but it may not provide specific guidance on how to achieve success in a particular field or domain.
  • Ignore the importance of luck: The QUESTION Triangle does not take into account the role of luck in achieving success. While attitude, skills, and knowledge are important, luck can also play an important role in determining success.
  • Limited applicability: The ASK triangle may not apply in every culture or context, as success can be defined differently in different cultures and contexts.
  • Too much emphasis on personal success: The Success Triangle places considerable emphasis on individual success, which may overlook the importance of collective success and social responsibility.

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Effective application of ASK model in business

Effective application of ASK model in business
Effective application of ASK model in business

Create a framework for screening and recruitment criteria 

Candidate screening is the process of reviewing submitted resumes, the main purpose of which is to help filter out the best candidates to work in the company.

Depending on each business, the screening method will also be different such as: screening according to criteria of qualifications, work experience, and important skills of each working position.

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Create a framework for assessing candidate capacity

In order to build a framework for assessing human resources, first of all, the company's human resources department needs to understand the purpose of the company's activities. ASK model frame what? Enterprises will be able to build a framework for assessing candidate capacity according to the following criteria:

  • role capacity to synthesize according to practical capabilities such as strategic thinking capacity, self-management capacity.
  • In addition, you can build ASK standard model framework according to core competencies such as communication and problem-solving skills, professional competence, behavioral competence, etc.

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HR orientation and development 

In order for the business to develop, it is necessary to have the orientation and development according to the ASK model so that new employees can easily acquire the necessary working skills and information about the job to be able to successfully complete the job. assigned tasks in the most efficient manner.

HR orientation and development
HR orientation and development

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Success Triangle or the ASK Model is a useful framework that can be applied to many areas of life, including business, personal development, and professional development. By focusing on the three key components of attitudes, skills and knowledge, individuals can increase their chances of achieving success.

A positive attitude can help individuals stay motivated and persevere through challenges, while related skills and knowledge can help them make informed decisions and take effective action. By continuously improving these three components, individuals can build a strong foundation for success and fulfillment.

It is important to note that the Success Triangle is not a guarantee of success and that there are many external factors that can affect an individual's ability to achieve their goals. However, by focusing on what they can control – attitudes, skills and knowledge – individuals can increase their chances of success and create a more fulfilling life.

above article, Johnson's Blog shared with readers a few features, criteria and benefits of the ASK model for assessing human resources standards and the benefits when businesses use it. For more useful knowledge, do not hesitate to contact us.

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